Friday, July 9, 2010

July 9th:The Beginning of the End

I hope summer school can be like this.

Hi guys
Alrite basically I have to make daily blog posts on my “blog”. I still have to get used to this whole blog think but I think I can handle it. So basically I’m doing this to keep a track of my work and its going to be used for our culminating project.
Chesser gave us a list of plays to choose from and here were my top choices.

1. Merchant of Venice
2. Othello
3. Titus Andronicus.
We picked numbers to see who would get to choose which play. The number you picked also represented the presentation order. I drew #6 and after much thinking I choose Titus Andronicus, partially because I read Merchant of Venice already and someone took Othello already.

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